Livraison offerte pour l’achat d’un S Sérum

Segreta Cena, an unconventional press presentation in Sophie’s image

Segreta Cena, an unconventional press presentation in Sophie’s image

On June 28, Sophie Carbonari unveiled her Sérum for the first time on the shores of Lake Como. It was a first press event in her own image, deliberately informal and far removed from established clichés and other obligatory events.

In keeping with the inclusive philosophy that motivated the creation of her eponymous brand and accompanied the birth of her first skincare product, Sophie wanted to bring together a trio of independent journalists dear to her heart, all of whom have accompanied her on her journey.

“I wanted to continue the unifying spirit that has driven me since the beginning, the desire to share that led me to imagine a multifaceted product, suitable for all ages and skin types. I didn’t want a cold, disembodied event, and I was keen to bring together Veronica Eredi, Carlotta Tosoni and Alice Rosati, three talented and passionate journalists who have been writing about me and supporting my approach for several years.”

Set course for Italy and Lake Como, a mythical place particularly dear to Sophie’s heart. An obvious choice, given her Italian origins and her visceral attachment to Transalpine culture.

“It’s a very symbolic place for me, as it’s my father’s homeland. I advocate an epicurean approach, so I fully identify with Italian culture. I love good wine and good products, the art of living and the beauty of this country, its refinement and its magical corners that I’ve had the opportunity to discover on my travels.”

For this enchanting Segreta Cena, Sophie Carbonari invited her three guests to discover her favorite addresses, under the watchful eye of photographer and videographer Gabrièle Laborde. The evening began with a stopover at the Bottega Da Luciano, before moving on to the Da Giacomo restaurant at the Grand Hotel Tremezzo, renowned for its breathtaking immersive panorama and its swimming pool as if suspended over Lake Como.

Special Thanks to Veronica Eredi, Beauty Editor Bazaar Italia; Carlotta Tosoni, contributor to Elle Italia and Esquire Italia; Alice Rosati, contributor to Vanity Fair Italia, Vogue Italia and AD.

© Mélanie Mendelewitsh
Photo credits : Gabrielle Laborde

The S Serum

The S Serum

The beauty gesture

30 ML

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